
Vocab for Chapter 1 and 2:

Mimesis: interpretation or imitation in art and literature

Representation: the use of language and images to create about the world around us

Realism: representing things that are familiar to society and people can recognize the image easily and understand and interpret the image based off of previous experiences

Positivism: The knowledge and truth of an image is based off of scientific, tested and proven knowledge

Objectivity: without bias and personal interpretation, considers universal facts and accepted beliefs

Denotative: Literal meaning or interpretation

Connotative: Cultural Interpretation

Simulation: does not represent something in the real world

Propaganda: The crude process of using false representations to lure people into holding beliefs that may compromise their own interests. 

Pejorative: expressing contempt or disapproval 

Indexical: linguistic expressions whose reference shifts from context to context

Interpellate:  to question concerning an official action or policy or personal conduct

Pervasive: unwelcome influence that is spread widely throughout society

Bricolage: created from a variety of different things and things found that are available in the surrounding area. 

Chapter 3 and 6 Vocabulary:

Barbarism: the cause to be savage or uncultured

Occident: the countries of Western Hemispher and Europe

Transgressive: exceeding a limit or boundary, especially of social acceptabilty; of or relating to the genre of fiction, or art characterized by graphic depictions of behavior that wiolates socially acceptable norms, often involving violence, drug use and sexual deviancy.

Binary: characterized by having two parts or components

Idiot Savant:  a condition in which a person with serious mental disabilities, including autistic disorder, demonstrates profound and prodigious capacities and/or abilities far in excess of what would be considered normal

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